It is assumed that the person completing this form either is the parent or carer or the person with parental responsibility for the referred child/young person.
If you are not, please ensure that you have sought consent to complete this document on behalf of the person who has parental responsibility.
Please also ensure the section below has your personal details in it – please do not complete the Referrer section with details which are for a company, professional body or the name of the child/young person as this will invalidate the request for services.
Please remember that you must either be the parent or carer or the person with parental responsibility for the referred child/young person to answer these. If you are not, please ensure that you have sought consent to complete this document on behalf of the person who has parental responsibility before you proceed. From now on, we will use the term referrer assuming you are one of the above named individuals or someone who has consent to refer.
Child/young person's details
Parent/carer 1 (main parent/carer)
Parent/carer 2 (Optional)
Child/young person's address (if different to the above)
Support with Appointments
Educational setting details
Existing family support
Existing diagnoses
Existing agencies involved
Areas of Concern
What is your main area of concern? (Score 0 for no concerns at all and 5 for severe difficulties in this area)
Attention and Listening *
e.g. poor concentration, highly distractable, not able to focus on adult led activities for an age appropriate length of time
Understanding Language *
e.g. not able to follow instructions, answer questions, or understand concepts at an age appropriate level
Expressive Language (talking) *
e.g. limited vocabulary development, difficulties using age appropriate spoken grammar/sentence structure, word finding difficulties
Speech/Articulation *
e.g. unclear speech, incorrect or limited speech sounds used
Social Skills *
e.g. difficulties with turn taking, keeping to topic, literal interpretation of language, limited awareness of other children/adults, difficulties with friendships
Play *
e.g. not engaging in pretend/imaginative play at an age appropriate level, shows only repetitive/copied play, limited interests, not able to join in with shared play activities
Voice *
e.g. persistent hoarse/weak voice quality, vocal nodules, excessively nasal voice quality
Dysfluency *
e.g. Stammering/Stuttering, not being able to ‘get words out’ with ease
Do you have any other areas of concern?
Describe why these are areas of concern for you
WellComm assessment (if available)
Supporting Documentation
Please attach any relevant documentation Communicate SLT CIC might find useful to support to this referral. If possible, please ensure each document has in its title the referred child/young person’s initials and date of birth only. Thank you.